
16 Second Message This week Pastor Stephen delivered the 4th message in our five part series called "Who Jesus Is". This week we read about the Samaritan woman in John 4:4-42 and found out that Jesus is Water for the Thirsty.

Here's the big thing: Jesus offers those who follow him water for their thirsty souls.

  • Outcasts like the Samaritan woman thirst for love, acceptance, and relationship. Through Jesus' living water (the Holy Spirit) they receive what they have been thirsting and more: love and acceptance and relationship with God!
  • There's another thirst too: the thirst for satisfaction. We're all made to be in relationship with God, but because of sin we've lost that. You might try to fill that hole with other things, but any satisfaction is temporary because nothing else really fits. However, because of Jesus, we can receive a relationship with God through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that paid the penalty for our sins. THAT is what is needed for satisfaction.

Jesus offers those who follow him water for their thirsty souls.

Here are some of the things current Christ-followers can take from this passage:

  • Your mission to the unchurched begins NOW. Right now.
  • Don't be discouraged or surprised at their response to the Good News of Jesus: remember: one sows, the other reaps.
  • Gratifying sinful desires makes them stronger. Even though you have Jesus as the water for your thirst, we're still human and we are tempted by sinful desires. Don't give into them!
  • A relationship with God must be maintained. If you feel unsatisfied, it's possible you've allowed your relationship with God to decay. Relationships don't remain the same. They are always in motion: either for the better or for worse.


Relationships don't remain the same; they are always in motion: either for the better or for worse.

Be sure to catch the full sermon on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/abundant-springs-sermons/id622648222
