ASCC Pray Online
Sunday, March 23, 2025
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Join us on Google Meet for a great time of prayer together!
This is an important time to come together and pray for the year ahead, our community and each other; please put it in your calendars. Join on computer with the link below or by phone: dial +1 289-948-8722 and enter this PIN: 832 853 943#
Growth Groups
After service February 16, March 2, 9, 16, April 6
Have lunch and connect with others while discovering how to share your faith without freaking out!
Join us 12:00-1:30pm on Sundays, February 16, March 2, 9, 16, April 6
Sunday Morning Ride-to-Church!
Does your child want a safe and fun place to go for a couple hours on a Sunday morning? Sign them up for a ride to Kid’s Church!
Our fully vetted driving team of 2 or more will come pick your child up, bring them to 968 Kettles St and bring them back home again afterwards, just in time for lunch!
Looking for a ride to church for you or your whole family? We can do that too! Just click the sign up link below to let us know how many seats to save.
Baptism Sunday
Sunday, April 20, 2025 (Easter Sunday)
During regular service
Are you a follower of Jesus who hasn’t yet been baptized in water? Now’s your chance!
Baptism was instituted by Jesus himself and serves as a public, physical declaration of one's decision to leave behind their old self and to be raised to a new life in Christ.
Sign up to be baptized by clicking the Get Baptized button!
Kids’ Club
First Thursday of the month 6 - 8 pm At Abundant Springs
A Parent’s Night Off program, the first Thursday of the month, 6-8 PM
Sepetember to June, join us for our monthly Kid’s Club program for kid’s 4-12 years of age!
With a different theme each month, we know your child will have a great time from start to finish. Registration for the year is $50, and the cost includes a club teeshirt and swag bag. Each month the kids will have a chance to win points for attendance, wearing their shirts and more, to trade in for cool prizes! Your first session is a free trial, so come on out!
Multi-child discounts on registration, and scholarships are avalible upon request, we want all kids to be able to come! Register at
Creative Mental Health for women
Last Thursday of the month, 6 PM at Abundant Springs
This free, once-a-month group for Women is a chance to be creative and have an open discussion about important topics related to mental health. This is not counselling; it is a chance to share and gain knowledge around common challenges like depression, anxiety, keeping boundaries, etc The art exercises are designed to help process thoughts and feelings and cause insight, self-expression, mindfulness, acceptance and self-compassion. There is no talent required, and all supplies are provided.
Childcare can be provided if needed.
Mental Health Facebook Group
We’ve got a group on Facebook geared towards encouraging positive mental health in Pincher Creek!
We all have really hard days! Sometimes it's just what's happening at the moment and sometimes it's more than that, but what we all need is community support!
Let's use this group to ask for help when we need it! Reach out if you need a friend, someone to get your kids together with, help with a daily task that is overwhelming you (such as cooking, cleaning, child care, etc.), or just to get a mental health boost through positive interaction.
Sent Youth!
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 pm at Vertical Church (Our ministry partners)
12-18 years old? Pastor Ewen and his team have an amazing time planned for you! Join us Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 pm at Vertical Church for games, food, connection, and discovering more about God’s purpose for you. All youth are welcome.
SentYouth is a partnership between Abundant Springs, Vertical, and Chinook
Sundays In-Person and Online!
You have the option to join us in-person or online each week!
Children’s Church will run all service downstairs, so please come early to check-in your kids!
We do ask that if you are feeling under the weather you join us online instead of in-person. Thank you for your consideration.
Regular Programs
Sunday Service -- 10:30am-11:30am
Kid’s Church -- In-person Sundays at 10:30am
SentYouth -- Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm at Vertical Church (SentYouth is a partnership between Abundant Springs, Vertical, and Chinook).
Kid’s Club — First Thursday of the month 6-8pm, Back in Sept. (see more info above)
Creative Mental Health - Last Thursday of the month 6pm (see more info above)
Growth-Track Courses - After service February 16, March 2, 9, 16, April 6