How to Invite People to Church

We ask you to invite people to church with you quite a bit. For some of you, inviting people to church comes naturally. For many of us, inviting a stranger to church can be an intimidating experience, and inviting someone you know can be even harder!

Why do we invite? That's an easier question. For Christians, it should seem crazy not to invite people we meet because of what God's done in our lives and through our church! We can't keep our love for God a secret. Church isn't a place we come to be alone, it's a place we come to be together!

When we say an invite can change a life, we mean it! But even something as small as a slip of paper or a post on social media can open a door you never realized was there! 

Sometimes, you may find it takes multiple invites for someone to decide to attend. Sometimes, it will require you explaining that our church is different than the picture in their head and that they are welcome no matter how they dress or what they've done the day before.

Now is the time to start inviting. Here are some other practical ways to meet and invite people:

  • Leave an invite card with your (generous) tip at a restaurant.

  • Walk your dog down a different street and meet some new neighbours.

  • Share our Facebook posts on your feed or what you're learning at church on your social media.

  • Think about people you already know who don't have a church home--friends, co-workers, even your relatives--and ask them to have coffee or lunch with you!

We'd love to hear the creative ways you're inviting people to Abundant Springs Community Church, so send us an email and let us know!