What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever given? Do you remember the recipient’s expression as he or she opened it? Do you remember the feeling it gave you to know that you had just brought a little bit of joy to that person? Now, what if I told you there was a way to give a gift that is even more meaningful and that will impact numerous people at once—people who otherwise may not have anything to eat this Christmas?
With only a month until December 25th, it seems fitting to encourage you to remember those who are less fortunate this year. After all, we celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ: God’s only Son who came to provide hope for the hopeless and eternal life to all those who would turn from their rebellion and follow Him. What better way to celebrate He who gave Himself to help us than to give a little of what we have to help others?
This year, as our food bank struggles to keep up with the demand placed upon it—especially during this particularly taxing Christmas season—let’s not forget to sacrifice a little of ourselves and donate a cart of groceries to help out. Or, let’s invite that neighbour who lives all alone to join us for our Christmas celebration. This Christmas, let’s spread some joy around our community.
Merry Christmas!
--Pastor Stephen Valcourt
This article was first printed in the Pincher Creek Echo