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16 Second Message Recap

Where Did All the Teachers Go? A 16-second Message Recap


Where Did All the Teachers Go? A 16-second Message Recap

16 Second Message This week Pastor Stephen delivered the 3rd message in our series "Where Did all the ______'s Go?". This week's message from Ephesians 4:10-16 was called "Where Did All the Teachers Go?".

The big thing: Teachers teach us to know and live God's Word.

Teachers are vital to the Church's health because they teach us to immerse ourselves in God's Word and to live what we have learned. This strengthen's the Church's faith, makes us less susceptible to believe strange teachings, and makes it more difficult to be deceived by things that are not of God. As well, it builds us up to do the best we can as we serve God.

How teachers can immerse themselves in God's Word:

Hear God's Word, Read God's Word, Study God's Word, Memorize God's Word, and Meditate on God's Word.

Then, teach others to do the same.

No teaching is complete if we don't offer those we teach a way to use their new knowledge for the benefit of the mission Jesus gave the Church.

A teacher must teach others how to live what they have learned.


Listen to the full message on our podcast here.


Where Did All the Pastors Go? 16 Second Message Recap


Where Did All the Pastors Go? 16 Second Message Recap


16 Second Message Pastor Stephen continued his series on the five-fold ministry gifts found in Ephesians 4:7-16 with this message about the pastoral gift. If you don't know your ministry gifts, head over to!

The big idea: Pastors equip by caring!

To determine what pastors do in a church, Pastor Stephen related pastors to shepherds, as they are the same word in Greek.

Here's what pastors do:

  • They guide their faith community closer to the spiritual life-giver: Jesus
  • They guard the faith community from those that seek to destroy the congregation
  • They seek to rescue the hurting however they can so that person can come to a place of wholeness
  • They are aware of the needs of those in the church and bring words of counsel, comfort, encouragement and healing.
  • They encourage people to make peace with each other and to gather regularly.

Here's how you can use this gift (even if it's not your main one):

  • Look for hurting people...and don't walk away
  • Challenge your Christian friends to build a closer relationship with Jesus--perhaps by joining a Life-Transformation Group.
  • Stand against gossip, bitterness and dissension
  • Encourage participation in Church life
  • Encourage reconciliation
  • Befriend those who are new

For those whose main gift is pastoring Pastor Stephen added:

  • Instil a passion for pastoring in the congregation.

That's it in a nutshell! Be sure to listen to the full sermon online here.


Where Did All the _____'s Go? Your 16 Second Message Recap


Where Did All the _____'s Go? Your 16 Second Message Recap


16 Second Message This week Pastor Stephen delivered the first message in this latest six-part series about the five-fold ministry giftings, called "Where Did All the _______'s Go?". We are looking at Paul's letter to the church in the city of Ephesus; specifically, Ephesians 4:7-16.

Here's this week's big thing: Jesus has given you a gift for ministry: what is it and how will you use it?

Pastor Stephen pointed out that the ministry giftings are still around, but we have long suppressed the ones that make us uncomfortable. We have also told churchgoers that only those who are paid to do ministry have ministry gifts, but that needs to change because everyone has been gifted in a combination of these five gifts. Everyone is called to participate in ministry and sharing the Good News of Jesus!

Many will also find themselves in leadership positions where they can work to equip the church to do ministry more effectively.

Everyone is called to participate in ministry and sharing the Good News of Jesus!

Next we found that Jesus not only gives the church these five gifts, but actually used all five throughout his earthly ministry. Jesus is an example of what they are and how they can be used, and he has given them to the Church so we can carry on his ministry! Therefore, as we read the Bible we learn that Jesus was an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and a Teacher.

Which of the Gifts have you been given?

Our ministries may look different from one another, but we are ALL called to reach the unchurched and disciple believers to be like Jesus.

One of the ways we can learn what our giftings are is to take a short test at

Our ministries may look different from one another, but we are ALL called to reach the unchurched and disciple believers to be like Jesus.

After you find out what this test says, send Pastor Stephen an email and include your name and your top two ministry giftings and if you agree with what the test said.

Then, read and pray over this passage in the Bible and ask God to show you how you can best use the gifts he has given you.

Each of the next five weeks we're going to look at one of these ministry gifts and learn what it is, what it's for, and how you can put it to use.


Be sure to catch the full sermon on our new podcast page!


He Chooses People Like Me: Your 16 Second Message Recap


He Chooses People Like Me: Your 16 Second Message Recap


16 Second Message This week Pastor Stephen completed our five part series called "Who Jesus Is". This week we looked at Mark 3:13-19 and discussed who the 12 men Jesus chose were. We learned that Jesus Chooses People Like Me.

Here's the big thing: Jesus uses average people to do above-average things!

If He Could Use the Apostles He Can Use You!

  • Jesus' disciples had only a basic education and were a rough bunch including fishermen, a possible political terrorist, a tax collector (who stole money from his own people to make himself rich), doubters, deniers, cowards, guys with thunderous tempers, guys who weren't even worth being written about beyond their names in a list, and the guy who ultimately betrayed Jesus and killed himself; yet Jesus trusted these men to set up His church!

God's People Must Rely on Christ's Presence and Authority

  • Jesus Christ chose the men he did because they would have to rely on His power to do anything great.
  • Without Jesus we are only capable of a little, but Jesus takes what we do and makes it beautiful.
  • But we must spend our time in the presence of Christ, and we must stay under the authority that he gives those who believe in his name and follow him.

Jesus uses average people to do above-average things!

Here's What You Have to do to be Used Best by God:

  • Believe in Jesus and Follow Him: this is necessary before we do anything else.
  • Be in relationship with Christ: spend time with him, learn from him, obey him.
  • Stay Humble: whatever God empowers you to do, you are doing it by HIS power, not your own.
  • Continually be filled with the Holy Spirit: ask for more of him every day!

Whatever God empowers you to do, you are doing it by HIS power, not your own.

Be sure to catch the full sermon on iTunes:

