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The Unseen Impact: Living in the Light of Life

The Unseen Impact: Living in the Light of Life

Every individual, at some point, grapples with the weight of their own significance, questioning the impact of their existence on the world. It's a common struggle, yet one that often overlooks the subtle yet profound influence each life can have.

What does it look like to leave a legacy?

What does it look like to leave a legacy?

Text to Read: 2 Samuel 23:24, 39 NLT

Watch the whole message:

Main Points to Ponder:

  • The key to dreaming big is thinking long, even beyond your lifetime.

  • When you act based on a short-term outlook, you’re going to mess up.

  • Jesus came despite your mistakes and overcame them at the cross.

  • Action Step:

    • Dream big, dream long: put everything in the scope of eternity as you go out and chase lions.

Prefer to listen? Search for “Abundant Springs Sermons” in your favourite podcatcher or listen below:

What do I do when I am afraid to chase my dreams?

What do I do when I am afraid to chase my dreams?

When the image of a man-eating beast travels through the optic nerve and into the visual cortex, the brain sends the body an urgent message: run! That’s what normal people do, but not lion chasers. Rather than seeing a five-hundred-pound problem, they see an opportunity for God to show up and show His power. 

Has God given you a HUGE dream for you or your church? Has He given you a HUGE dream for your community? This is what Chase the Lion is all about.

Centring on 2 Samuel 23, Chase the Lion tells the true story of an ancient warrior named Benaiah who chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day—and then killed it. This series also recounts the miraculous stories of David’s other mighty men, and their exploits for the Kingdom of Israel. This 5-week series, springboarded off the Mark Batterson book, Chase the Lion, will help you unleash the faith and courage you need to identify, chase, and catch the five-hundred-pound dreams God has given you to reach the world.

Text: 2 Samuel 23:20-23 NLT

Watch the message:

The Main Points:

  • The only way to be used by God to your full potential is to chase lions.

  • God-sized dreams often seem impossible: because that’s what they’re supposed to be without his help!

  • Too often, you lose out on the full dream God’s given you because you choose to chase kittens instead of the lion God put in front of you.

  • God is more interested in your obedience than in your success.

  • The only way to start chasing the dream God’s given you is to put one foot in front of the other.

  • Count the cost, and then add the power of God into the equation.

  • Action Steps:

    • Commit to chase your God-given destiny. Don’t be ruled by fear, be ruled by the power of God.

    • What can you do this week to begin chasing your dream?

Prefer to listen? Search “Abundant Springs Sermons” in iTunes or Google play or listen here:

I Want to Live Forever

I Want to Live Forever

I have heard it said that one of humanity’s greatest reasons for having children is the desire to live on through them—the attempt to obtain some sort of immortality. I have four children, so I wonder what that says about me.