“I have heard it said that one of humanity’s greatest reasons for having children is the desire to live on through them—the attempt to obtain some sort of immortality. I have four children, so I wonder what that says about me.”
I have heard it said that one of humanity’s greatest reasons for having children is the desire to live on through them—the attempt to obtain some sort of immortality. I have four children, so I wonder what that says about me.
Built into nearly every person in the world is a desire for life, a fear of death, and the wish to be remembered. Unfortunately, life is short, death is inevitable, and few are remembered for long. What, then, is the purpose behind our lives if what we want is impossible for us to achieve? Perhaps our desires point to the way that we were designed. We were designed for a greater purpose.
God had a purpose in mind when he created you, and he had a purpose in mind when he came to earth as a little baby boy 2,000 years ago. God knew he would be rejected as people pursued their own plans to live longer, love more, and be remembered. However, he also had his own, much greater plan and loves you enough to see his plan through to the end.
Jesus—God in the flesh—came to earth to pursue you in love and to open the door for you to have a purpose that goes beyond this temporary life. Jesus died—he took your rejection of God on himself—and then three days later, on Easter morning, Jesus rose to life—he defeated death itself. Jesus’ purpose was to give you a purpose: to enable you to live a life that matters now and forever. When you love and follow this Jesus, your soul is energized and you realize that your life does matter: it goes on beyond your physical life, it extends beyond death, and in God’s eyes you will always be remembered.
“Jesus’ purpose was to give you a purpose: to enable you to live a life that matters now and forever.”
If you would like to know more about the purpose-filled, never-ending life Jesus offers, let me invite you to begin attending one of your local churches. This Sunday is Easter, and my church will be holding a special service honouring Jesus for all he did for us. Following the service, we will be enjoying some great, free food and having an Easter egg hunt and bouncy castle! Come on out and join us this Sunday or any other at 10:30am at 968 Kettles Street in Pincher Creek (Across from the FasGas).
You Are Welcome Here!
Your Friend,
Pastor Stephen.
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This article appeared first in the Pincher Creek Echo.