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Merry Christmas!


To all of you reading this, I pray that your Christmas will be full of many blessings and a time of celebration. No matter what gifts are awaiting you under the tree, no matter what fills your stocking, no matter who you are celebrating with, and no matter what is on your table this Christmas, my wish for you is that you will make this a season for remembering Christ's birth and the gift that he has given us (salvation).

Have a Merry Christmas, from my family to yours.

--Pastor Stephen Valcourt pastorstephen



No Post this Week

20130813-202840.jpgIt's been a busy last couple weeks with renovations, funerals, and various other important tasks. In life we have to know when to take a bit of time and kick back with our family. I won't be writing a post this week (other than this one...) as we're going to spend a couple days camping. See you Sunday!

--Pastor Stephen
