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Christians Have Power Over Paganism and the Occult

Christians Have Power Over Paganism and the Occult

For many of us, we think about the occult, or paganism or the demonic and we think, “Well, they’re nice stories. And we see them in biblical days, but none of that stuff is real. There’s nothing behind any of this stuff.”

For others of us, we think about these things, and we break into a cold sweat. Maybe we begin to seek the power that can be found in these things, or perhaps we think that there’s nothing that we can do to stand in front of these sorts of things. But what are we to do about these, because we can’t ignore them.

Why is there so much conflict in the world?

Why is there so much conflict in the world?

Remembrance Day sermon Pincher Creek, Alberta church

Text to Read: 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 NIV

Main Points:

  • You must recognize that there’s a war going on for the mind, body, and soul of every human. This war has been going on for nearly all of human history.

  • In this war, you are either a passive or active participant, but you don’t get to sit it out.

    • When you live passively, you will find that you are influenced by the culture all around you and strongholds will be built in your life from which Satan will be enabled to launch attacks on your mind and spirit.

    • Paul points out that his weaponry is superior to Satan’s: the Truth of Jesus’ Good News has God’s power, but it must be used intentionally!

    • Once we recognize the power of the Good News (or, Gospel), we must confess of our sins to break the enemy’s power (1 John 1:9 NLT), consistently affirm the Truth in our hearts by reading the Truth God has given us in the Bible, and must share this Truth!

    • Paul shows us that we must not allow these strongholds to be rebuilt. Instead, we must take EVERY thought captive to Jesus!

  • Remember the weapons of your warfare: read your Bible, confess, and pray; then, show others the Way.

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