What I want to start off with is just a show of hands: Has anyone ever hurt you? Okay, we've got a few. Has anyone ever hurt you? Some people here have way better lives than mine. Okay, this is not going the way that I thought; I think that some people are distracted.
I think that it's fairly safe to say that in most of our lives' we've been hurt by someone. Maybe emotionally, or perhaps physically, but there's been something that's been done to us, and we didn't like it very much. Now we can react in many different ways to people hurting us. For some things, we might just shrug it off. We might just say, "Hey, it's all good," and we never think of it again. This is the kind of stuff where someone steps on your toe in the line at Disneyland—actually, I've been to the lines at Disneyland, and that's not usually how you respond to someone stepping on your toe, it often goes a bit beyond that.
But okay, when you brush past someone on the street in Canada, right, “Oh, I’m so sorry, it’s all good!” You never think of it again.
For others of us though, and for other types of pain, types of hurt that we’ve experienced from people, we might wallow in it.
For many of us, we think about the occult, or paganism or the demonic and we think, “Well, they’re nice stories. And we see them in biblical days, but none of that stuff is real. There’s nothing behind any of this stuff.”
For others of us, we think about these things, and we break into a cold sweat. Maybe we begin to seek the power that can be found in these things, or perhaps we think that there’s nothing that we can do to stand in front of these sorts of things. But what are we to do about these, because we can’t ignore them.
The Apostle Paul's letter to the church of Rome, which we find in the Bible, is a wealth of information on the Christian faith. In this short, four-week series, Pastor Stephen leads us in a 10,000 ft overview of Paul's masterpiece focused on the essentials--the foundation, or "brass-tacks"--of the Christian faith.