All three message videos from our series on pride and humility called “Knocking Ourselves Down a Peg” can be watched here for your convenience.
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All three message videos from our series on pride and humility called “Knocking Ourselves Down a Peg” can be watched here for your convenience.
Pride. No one wants to admit to having it…unless perhaps it relates to their children or to something they worked hard to create. Yet there it is—to varying degrees—in almost every human being. Pride, that monster that can at once make one vicious and also weak.
Weak? Yes, weak. For pride is not easily kept. It is a position one desires to keep above all else, but one which is ever-teetering on the edge of collapse. It must always be defended, even if others must be torn down to do so. Ironically, it is often one’s own desire to hold on to their pride that ultimately causes their pride to collapse. Pride, with its show of strength, is, in fact, weak. That’s why God, in his infinite wisdom, tells us, “Pride goes before destruction” (Proverbs 16:18).
Then there is humility. It is elusive and respected, but ultimately it is considered undesirable. One must give up too much to become humble! Yet in true humility there is great strength. The humble do not fear the collapse of their reputation or success. This is because they find their value and their strength, not from themselves, but from something—no, someone—greater than themselves, who Himself, being incomparably great, humbled Himself to become one of us: a man of sorrows.
“Pride goes before destruction”
God came to humanity in the flesh, fully human and fully God—Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He did this so that through His death on a Roman cross and His resurrection three days later, the unfathomable rift that humanity’s rebellion against Him had created could be bridged. Now, all those who place their trust in Jesus and make Him master of their life will find an eternally life-giving relationship with God and will receive forgiveness for their rebellion against Him (called sin).
Friends, rather than staying in the tumultuous position of our pride, let us place our hope in the only One who has reason to be proud, yet who gladly was humbled for you and for me. Let us humble ourselves today at the feet of Christ Jesus.
Your Friend,
Pastor Stephen.
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