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The Heart's True Longing: Embracing the Victory of Easter

The Heart's True Longing: Embracing the Victory of Easter

The world offers a myriad of temporary pleasures—material wealth, social status, personal achievements—but these are mere shadows when compared to the profound satisfaction of a restored relationship with the Creator. This is the essence of the human condition and the starting point for understanding the significance of Easter.

The Unseen Impact: Living in the Light of Life

The Unseen Impact: Living in the Light of Life

Every individual, at some point, grapples with the weight of their own significance, questioning the impact of their existence on the world. It's a common struggle, yet one that often overlooks the subtle yet profound influence each life can have.

The Light Has Come: The Trade

The Light Has Come: The Trade

Text(s) to Read:

John 1:9-13 NLT

Isaiah 53:3-11 NLT

Main Points:

  • Jesus was rejected by humanity so we could be accepted by God.

    • This was the greatest trade in history: Jesus offers to trade his sinless identity as a child of God in exchange for him taking on himself our identities as law-breaking criminals against God.

      • This trade is birthed in love and given as a gift.

  • Walk in the light of new life and become a child of God.

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What does it look like to leave a legacy?

What does it look like to leave a legacy?

Text to Read: 2 Samuel 23:24, 39 NLT

Watch the whole message:

Main Points to Ponder:

  • The key to dreaming big is thinking long, even beyond your lifetime.

  • When you act based on a short-term outlook, you’re going to mess up.

  • Jesus came despite your mistakes and overcame them at the cross.

  • Action Step:

    • Dream big, dream long: put everything in the scope of eternity as you go out and chase lions.

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