Text to Read: Exodus 20:3-6 NLT
The Main Points:
Idolatry’s a big deal to God. He demands everything from us because he has given us everything.
God defines an idol as anything that stands between you and being fully devoted to God.
Jesus’ example of money (Matthew 6:24)
You cannot allow anything to stand in the way of following Jesus completely. He must be your everything (Luke 14:26 NLT)
“Sin is building your life and meaning on anything, even a very good thing, more than on God.” - Tim Keller
Anything that blocks your whole-hearted devotion to Jesus blocks the fulness of his glory in your life.
Ephesians 5:5 NLT
“Sin is building your life and meaning on anything, even a very good thing, more than on God.”
Action Steps:
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the idols in your life and confess your sin of idolatry to him.
Ask God how he wants to change you.
Consider what your first step should be to get rid of your idols.
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