This past weekend we discussed where our priorities lie in addressing the needs and health of ourselves and others. If you missed last Sunday, head over to iTunes and listen to our podcast here. I want to reinforce some of what was talked about and keep things fresh in your mind.
You may remember the phrase "Mankind wants to heal the body, but God wants to heal the soul; because God knows what matters most!" from Sunday--I said it a lot. The reason for that is I want you to remember it! We can work hard to address the physical needs of ourselves and others--sometimes spending years praying for healing or working with those that need our help--but is that what matters most? I believe that Jesus tells us in his Word (the Bible), that the physical is important; however, what matters most is the condition of a person's soul. If you want to do something that matters, continue to address the physical needs of others but, like Jesus with the paralytic man, make sure you're also addressing their spiritual needs.
Mankind wants to heal the body, but God wants to heal the soul; because God knows what matters most!
Keep pressing on and do all you do for God and His Kingdom!
--Pastor Stephen Valcourt