Viewing entries tagged
eternal life

The Heart's True Longing: Embracing the Victory of Easter

The Heart's True Longing: Embracing the Victory of Easter

The world offers a myriad of temporary pleasures—material wealth, social status, personal achievements—but these are mere shadows when compared to the profound satisfaction of a restored relationship with the Creator. This is the essence of the human condition and the starting point for understanding the significance of Easter.

The Light Has Come: The Trade

The Light Has Come: The Trade

Text(s) to Read:

John 1:9-13 NLT

Isaiah 53:3-11 NLT

Main Points:

  • Jesus was rejected by humanity so we could be accepted by God.

    • This was the greatest trade in history: Jesus offers to trade his sinless identity as a child of God in exchange for him taking on himself our identities as law-breaking criminals against God.

      • This trade is birthed in love and given as a gift.

  • Walk in the light of new life and become a child of God.

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What does it look like to leave a legacy?

What does it look like to leave a legacy?

Text to Read: 2 Samuel 23:24, 39 NLT

Watch the whole message:

Main Points to Ponder:

  • The key to dreaming big is thinking long, even beyond your lifetime.

  • When you act based on a short-term outlook, you’re going to mess up.

  • Jesus came despite your mistakes and overcame them at the cross.

  • Action Step:

    • Dream big, dream long: put everything in the scope of eternity as you go out and chase lions.

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Let Justice Roll: The Freedom to Care

Let Justice Roll: The Freedom to Care

Jesus wants his people to live with Justice.

The stats are in: there are a whole lot of people struggling in Pincher Creek--and in every community! People are struggling financially, they are struggling to balance making a living and caring for their children, and are struggling to deal with their grief at the loss of loved ones. Yet, while they are in need of our care, what are we busying ourselves with instead?

Some of us are one of those stats: we need to know Jesus cares deeply about us.

Some of us are just stressed out thinking about how to get ahead or next big thing or secure for future: Jesus offers a better way.

Others of us feel like there’s nothing we can do: but Jesus will give you what you need to make a difference.

Read: Amos 6:1-8, 12 (NLT)

Israel was looking down on the other nations’ failures and they thought they were better than them; the Israelites were pursuing lavish living, even as nation was corroding under them; the Israelites placed their trust in wealth, in size, and in fortresses. We may be tempted to look down on them for all of this, but if you really look at yourself and at our culture, you may see more of this attitude and behaviour in you than you care to admit!

When your trust is in material things, it’s all you can do to keep them. When your trust is in Jesus, you’re freed to pursue godly righteousness and justice.

Jesus’ death and resurrection did what you can never do for yourself.
Jesus’ death and resurrection brings a perfect hope greater than all your failures
Jesus’ death and resurrection begins to change your desires
Jesus’ death and resurrection provides you with the ability to pursue righteousness and justice.

Action Steps:

  • Put your trust in Jesus
  •  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how your lifestyle is contributing to injustice and poverty and what you can do instead to fight for justice.
“May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that you may live deep within your heart.  May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.  May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy.  And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done to bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.  Amen.”

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