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Do Christians Really Need to Go to Church?

Do Christians Really Need to Go to Church?

Text to Read: Hebrews 10:19-25 NLT

Watch the whole message here:

The Main Points:

  • Jesus provided the way for you to be in a close, loving relationship with God.
  • You may be tempted to think, with all this access to God, you can go it alone.
  • Stay with the group! Don't try to follow Jesus by yourself
    • 1 Peter 5:8 - the devil is like a lion, seeking someone to devour.
    • Rather than attending church on a come-and-go basis, you should strive to be connected to an authentic, godly community.
  • Action Steps:
    • Make church a top priority each week--Don't "squeeze it in"!
    • Develop deeper relationships with Jesus and other believers by joining a Community Group.

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What Do I Do After I Lead Someone to Jesus?

What Do I Do After I Lead Someone to Jesus?

In every area of life, we must be taught if we are to live life well. Why is it, then, that Christ-followers are so quick to neglect teaching new believers (and mature ones, too!) what it means to follow Jesus?

Evangelism without discipleship results in Gospel inoculation rather than Kingdom participation.

In other words, telling people about Jesus isn't where things end. We have to guide and teach new and less-mature believers to become more like Jesus. If we don't, then all we do is make them think they've got it all together, thus inoculating them to the Good News of Jesus and possibly leading them to a place of "been there, done that, didn't work." Instead, we want to lead them to a place where they are active in the Kingdom of God here on earth, in the Church, in ministry, in worship, in sharing their faith, and in teaching others!

Text to read: Acts 11:24-26 NLT

Barnabas understood the importance of not just converting people, but also teaching them!

You may think that new believers will just figure out what they need to know, but historian Daniel Boorstin thought otherwise: "Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know."

Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.
— Daniel Boorstin

Jesus commands his followers to make disciples and teach them. He doesn't tell us to make converts and move along.

If you're wondering where to start, know that:

Your example is your best tool for teaching.

For instance: if you tell them that church is important, but they only see you going when it's convenient for you and your schedule, they'll quickly learn that church is not actually important. Your example matters, so be sure to live as Christ has called you to live, and invite them to live life alongside you!

Your church is here to help you.

You're not in this alone. If things get overwhelming, or you need help answering questions or knowing what to teach next, we're here for you.

Barnabas knew when he needed help, and he went off and got Saul to come and teach with him.

Sometimes you need to know when to find help.

Commit not just to share your faith but also to make disciples.


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Do You Feel Stuck?

turtleI once saw a photo of a turtle lying on its back with its feet in the air. On it someone had cleverly added the word: “Stuck?” This picture was good for a laugh; however, the truth is this image resonates with an unfortunate number of people! It seems almost everyone wrestles with some form of feeling stuck: stuck in fear, stuck in exhaustion, or even stuck in purposelessness. It is a vulnerable and hopeless place to be, but what if I told you there is a way to start getting un-stuck? If you feel like you can’t move forward because of your fear of rejection, fear of the future, or feelings of helplessness you should know that there is someone who will never leave you, who knows what the future holds and has a plan for you, and who has the strength to help you through any situation. If you are tired and stressed out from working too hard to be who you think you should be, there is someone who says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”  If you can’t find your purpose, there is someone who made each person with a purpose in mind.

God has already offered heaven to us if we just believe in him and allow him to change our hearts.

You see, God came to earth as a man (Jesus) in order to live, die and rise again so that anyone can choose to live for him and be made into a new creation. Jesus can cover over all a person’s misdeeds and ill-thoughts and transform him or her into someone who lives for God’s purpose. God’s Spirit then comes to live within that person and will never leave them—no rejection: ever! Furthermore, there is nothing that you or I can do to “earn” God’s love and favour. No action we take can get us into heaven, because God has already offered heaven to us if we just believe in him and allow him to change our hearts. Now that should be encouragement for the weary soul!

Therefore, if you feel stuck, I invite you to start getting un-stuck. Seek Jesus and be refreshed.

If you found this message helpful, I would love the opportunity to discuss it further over coffee. Feel free to send me an email at, and let’s talk about what Jesus can do for you.

--Pastor Stephen   pastorstephen

This article originally appeared in the Pincher Creek Echo.
