When the image of a man-eating beast travels through the optic nerve and into the visual cortex, the brain sends the body an urgent message: run! That’s what normal people do, but not lion chasers. Rather than seeing a five-hundred-pound problem, they see an opportunity for God to show up and show His power.
Has God given you a HUGE dream for you or your church? Has He given you a HUGE dream for your community? This is what Chase the Lion is all about.
Centring on 2 Samuel 23, Chase the Lion tells the true story of an ancient warrior named Benaiah who chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day—and then killed it. This series also recounts the miraculous stories of David’s other mighty men, and their exploits for the Kingdom of Israel. This 5-week series, springboarded off the Mark Batterson book, Chase the Lion, will help you unleash the faith and courage you need to identify, chase, and catch the five-hundred-pound dreams God has given you to reach the world.
Text: 2 Samuel 23:20-23 NLT
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