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What to do when you can't hear God

What to do when you can't hear God

Text to Read: Psalm 22 NIV

What to do when you can’t feel God

Watch the whole message (audio begins about 20 seconds in):

The Main Point:

  • In your soul’s darkest hour, the past illuminates the way forward.

Action Step:

  • Begin a journal to keep a record of God’s faithfulness (even in the smallest ways) that you can refer back to in the dark night of the soul.

Prefer to listen? Search for “Abundant Springs Sermons” in your favourite podcatcher, or listen below:

Do Christians Really Need to Go to Church?

Do Christians Really Need to Go to Church?

Text to Read: Hebrews 10:19-25 NLT

Watch the whole message here:

The Main Points:

  • Jesus provided the way for you to be in a close, loving relationship with God.
  • You may be tempted to think, with all this access to God, you can go it alone.
  • Stay with the group! Don't try to follow Jesus by yourself
    • 1 Peter 5:8 - the devil is like a lion, seeking someone to devour.
    • Rather than attending church on a come-and-go basis, you should strive to be connected to an authentic, godly community.
  • Action Steps:
    • Make church a top priority each week--Don't "squeeze it in"!
    • Develop deeper relationships with Jesus and other believers by joining a Community Group.

Prefer to listen? Do so in your favourite podcast app or right here: