Adapted from materials released by Beulah Alliance Church

Where does my life fit into the great and grand story of God’s mission? What would it look like if God’s mission was the starting point of your life? It’s a shift in perspective.

This guide will outline one way to live this kind of life and mission by equipping you to live a sent life with the five simple practices of BLESS.

God’s Mission

“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:18-20

The Blessing Strategy

Our mission to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt 28:18-20) finds its roots in the original mission to go and be a blessing to others (Gen 12:1-3). This means that blessing others and seeing people come to know, love, and serve Jesus are linked together!

If you do at least one of these BLESS practices every day, you will not only look more like Jesus, but you will help others find Jesus too!

5 Simple Ways to BLESS

Begin with Prayer

I will pray for the people in my life and the places that I’m in


I will listen to and discover the needs of others and the places where God is at work


I will share meals and spend time with people in my life


I will respond to the needs of others and help them in practical and helpful ways


I will share the story of Jesus and what He is doing in my life with others

Begin With Prayer

“God, may your kingdom come and will be done. Please provide me with an opportunity today to bless someone or someplace. Help me be aware of your presence and your leading today.”

Praying for People:

·      Who do you live, work, and play with that is far from God? Pray that God would create spiritual curiosity in them, and then spend time with them.

Praying for Places:

·      Where does pain exist here?

Pray for healing.

·      Who makes the decisions here?

Pray for integrity.

·      Who throws the parties here?

Pray for the community.

·      Where are the pennies spent here? Pray for provision.


“God, how do you want me to bless the world today? Help me to listen to and discover the needs of others and where you’re at work.” 

·      Before you can help others find Jesus, you need to show respect and listen to them first—their hopes, pains, challenges and dreams. In your interactions with others today, take the posture of a learner. Lay down your assumptions and practice being present.

·      Pay attention to the local news and ask God how you can meet those needs.


Eating is one of the fastest ways to move a relationship from acquaintance to friendship.

·      Who can you eat with (or have a coffee with) that is far from God?

A co-worker over lunch? A neighbour during the day? A friend or family member over the weekend?

·      Is there a place that you regularly visit (coffee shop, gym, etc.)? Ask God to grant you opportunities to eat with people.


Before jumping into serving, have you taken the time to pray for, listen to and eat with these people? Doing these things first helps you discover the way that you really need to serve them.

·      Who can you serve this week? Who do you know that has a practical need? Ask them how you can help them.


You can’t spell BLESS without the second S. In other words, sharing the story of God with others is necessary to participate in God’s mission (Matthew 28:18-20). 

Here are some tips on how to share the story of God with others: 

·      Start by sharing how God has blessed you and made a difference in your life.

·      Share your story in such a way that demonstrates that God is also at work in their life.

·      Don’t feel like you have to tell your life story at once. Think “bite-size” stories.

Your Next Step:


Every day, intentionally look for ways to BLESS others.


With people you connect with on a regular basis, commit to asking one another this question, “Who did you BLESS this week?” Accountability will keep you from drifting away. 

If you don’t have others to do this with, let us help you connect with our church. Email and let us know you’re looking for connection and accountability!

If you want to grow in your understanding of how to communicate the story of God, inquire about “The Way: Sharing Your Faith” mentorship guide at