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Sunday Morning Messages

Why is there so much conflict in the world?

Why is there so much conflict in the world?

Remembrance Day sermon Pincher Creek, Alberta church

Text to Read: 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 NIV

Main Points:

  • You must recognize that there’s a war going on for the mind, body, and soul of every human. This war has been going on for nearly all of human history.

  • In this war, you are either a passive or active participant, but you don’t get to sit it out.

    • When you live passively, you will find that you are influenced by the culture all around you and strongholds will be built in your life from which Satan will be enabled to launch attacks on your mind and spirit.

    • Paul points out that his weaponry is superior to Satan’s: the Truth of Jesus’ Good News has God’s power, but it must be used intentionally!

    • Once we recognize the power of the Good News (or, Gospel), we must confess of our sins to break the enemy’s power (1 John 1:9 NLT), consistently affirm the Truth in our hearts by reading the Truth God has given us in the Bible, and must share this Truth!

    • Paul shows us that we must not allow these strongholds to be rebuilt. Instead, we must take EVERY thought captive to Jesus!

  • Remember the weapons of your warfare: read your Bible, confess, and pray; then, show others the Way.

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Hearing God requires that you listen to him

Hearing God requires that you listen to him

when you can’t hear God

The Main Points:

  • You may not be hearing God because you’re not truly listening!

  • You may be ignoring what God’s already told you.

    • Perhaps because you’re afraid, or, like Jonah, you don’t like what he’s said to do.

    • Or maybe you think it’s not God talking to you. Perhaps because you don’t think he still speaks (he does: Ephesians 1:17, 1 Corinthians 14:26, Galatians 2:1-2…he gives his people revelations!) or because you don’t understand how he speaks.

  • You may not be leaving God room to speak.

  • How you can start to truly listen for God’s voice:

    • Read Scripture slowly and with an eye to be changed.

    • Treat prayer like a conversation. Ask questions and listen for answers.

    • Use a journal to record your prayers and what God is saying and doing.

    • Be open to what God may be saying.

    • Test everything against Scripture, because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    • Do what God says!

  • Action Step: Having given thanks for God’s past faithfulness, and having confessed and turned from your sin, set aside no less than a 1/2 hour every day to spend reading your Bible, praying, and listening for what God wants to say to you.

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What to do when you can't hear God

What to do when you can't hear God

Text to Read: Psalm 22 NIV

What to do when you can’t feel God

Watch the whole message (audio begins about 20 seconds in):

The Main Point:

  • In your soul’s darkest hour, the past illuminates the way forward.

Action Step:

  • Begin a journal to keep a record of God’s faithfulness (even in the smallest ways) that you can refer back to in the dark night of the soul.

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What does it look like to leave a legacy?

What does it look like to leave a legacy?

Text to Read: 2 Samuel 23:24, 39 NLT

Watch the whole message:

Main Points to Ponder:

  • The key to dreaming big is thinking long, even beyond your lifetime.

  • When you act based on a short-term outlook, you’re going to mess up.

  • Jesus came despite your mistakes and overcame them at the cross.

  • Action Step:

    • Dream big, dream long: put everything in the scope of eternity as you go out and chase lions.

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